Realm royale tracker
Realm royale tracker

realm royale tracker

Weapon 1: Shock Rifle - The 6-ammo shock rifle is a heavy hitting, slower projectile perfect accuracy weapon. New (returned and updated!) Class: Engineer

  • Charge forward movement stops on impact with player.
  • Javelin projectile size lowered, damage curve adjusted from 20/120 to 20/150.
  • Sniper rifle now has a 0.4s "grace window" for reload to complete if an ability is used while reloading.
  • Sniper rifle zoom time from 0.25 to 0.28.
  • Fast firing scoped weapon with lower damage and higher ammo.
  • Auto Sniper reworked into a DMR-style weapon.
  • Optimal in close range but has high damage falloff and has limited use in long range fights. Harder hitting, slower firing, and projectile based instead of hit scan.
  • Revolver reworked into new "Hand Cannon".
  • Scope-in time from 0.3 to 0.1 (to match regular ads weapons).
  • Zoom FOV from 45 to 60 (doesn’t zoom in as far).
  • realm royale tracker

    Auto Sniper (changes to make it feel more “DMR”-like).Zoom FOV from 50 to 60 (to reduce smoke trail blocking camera).Aim Down Sights replaced by a Hook on a 12s cooldown.Now grants 10% move speed while equipped and active.Increase the travel speed of the blizzard by ~20%.


    We are working on adding this into the forge and loadout menus for patch 7.

    realm royale tracker

  • Dev Note: In Patch 6 this will only be available in chests.
  • Weapon, Ability, and Item ChangesEngineer
  • Deep Pockets: Killed players drop two shard packs instead of one.
  • Forge Fire Sale: 50% forge discount and faster forge speed.
  • Players killed during event will respawn if at least one player on the team survives. If they are killed, a chest spawns on their body.

    realm royale tracker

    If they survive the timer, a zeppelin chest will spawn on each player of that team.

  • Big Bad Bounty: Team with top kills is highlighted for all teams.
  • Giddy Up Buttercup: 40% faster mount speed.
  • Adrenaline Rush: Move 50% faster with 300% increased jump height.
  • Power of the Ancients: Drops two ancient and many zeppelin chests.
  • The events have been tweaked to be BR specific.
  • The Event System has been added to the new map.
  • They can also drop very rarely from Zeppelin Chests and Goblins.
  • Ancient items have been added! These ultra rare and powerful items drop 0-2 times per map in ancient chests that take 10 seconds to open.
  • The queue has a longer timer, so it may take up to 10 minutes to “pop” to ensure the lobbies are busy and competitive.
  • Unique new features and easter eggs through the map.
  • The old map will be available intermittently through LTMs only.
  • New FeaturesNew 40-Player Map: Time Shattered Isle

    Realm royale tracker